




作者:華恒儀表 發布日期: 2024-06-28 二維碼分享

  The double flange liquid level transmitter is a pressure sensor component used to prevent the medium in the pipeline from directly entering the transmitter.It is connected to the transmitter by a capillary filled with fluid.It is used to measure the level,flow and pressure of liquid,gas or steam,and then convert it into 4-20mADC signal output.When selecting a double-flange liquid level transmitter,it is especially important to pay attention to a very important factor,which is the differential pressure liquid level transmitter,which is installed at the bottom of the liquid container and reflects the height of the liquid level through the gauge pressure signal..In the control process of liquid level measurement in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries,the container containing the liquid is often under pressure.At this time,the conventional static pressure liquid level transmitter cannot meet the measurement requirements,due to the sensor circuit and structure The above improvements have improved the practical value of differential pressure level measurement technology in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

  How to overhaul the double flange liquid level transmitter:
 ?、賂he maintenance cycle of the transmitter is generally an operating cycle of the production device.
 ?、贗f there is a drain hole at the connection part of the instrument and the equipment,the plug should be removed for purging(be careful not to use steam against the flange diaphragm when purging).
 ?、跧f there is no drain hole at the connection part of the instrument and the equipment,the flange should be disassembled for purging.
 ?、蹸heck the parts for corrosion,wear,deformation and leakage.If the situation is serious,replace them.
  華恒儀表可以為您提供專業的雙法蘭液位變送器選型建議和可靠的雙法蘭液位變送器產品,有任何疑問可以致電180 9235 6836,我們會有專業的技術人員幫您解答,希望能帶給您幫助!
  Huaheng Instrument can provide you with professional selection suggestions for double flange liquid level transmitters and reliable double flange liquid level transmitter products.If you have any questions,you can call 180 9235 6836,and we will have professional technical personnel to help You answer,I hope to help you!


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